Introduction to R
- Trainer Introduction
- Course Content
- Why Use R?
- Introduction to R
- Install R and R studio
- Navigating the R Console and R studio Interface
- Exploring Help Functions and Managing Packages in R
- Understanding the Global Environment in R
- Generic Functions (mean, hist.)
- R Language Fundamentals
- Unique Features
- Understanding Data Types in R
- Data Structures in R
- Creating Vectors in R Studio: Practical
- Creating Matrix in R Studio: Practical
- Creating Array in R Studio: Practical
- Creating List in R Studio: Practical
- Case Study: Practical in R Studio: Part 2
- Creating Data Frame in R Studio: Practical
Importing Data into R from Various Sources
- What We’ve Learned: A Recap
- Set a Working Directory and Read Text Files in R: Practical
- Understanding Functions in R
- Using Arguments to Filter Data in R
- Filter Data with Conditional Operators in R
- Read CSV File in R: Practical
- Benefits of a Working Directory in R
- Install and Understand Excel Packages in R
- Read Excel FIle in R: Practical
Descriptive Statistics
- Introduction to Statistics: Concepts and Examples
- Understanding Scales of Measurement in Statistics
- Understanding Scales of Measurement with Examples and Their Importance: Part 1
- Understanding Scales of Measurement with Examples: Part 2
- Basic Concepts in Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode): Part 1
- Basic Concepts in Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode): Part 2
- Basic Concept in Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode): Part 3
- Measurement of Spread (Range, Std. Dev): Part 1
- Measurement of Spread (Coefficent of Variation): Part 2
- Understanding Descriptive Statistics with Practical Examples
- Case Study: Practical in R Studio: Part 1
- Case Study: Practical in R Studio: Part 2
Data Visualization in R
- Data Visualization: Turning Data into Insights
- Types of Charts
- Data Visualization (Bar Chart)
- Data Visualization (Clustered Bar Chart)
- Data Visualization (Pie Chart)
- Data Visualization (Histogram)
- Data Visualization (Box Plot)
- Understanding Shapes of Histrogram
- Data Visualization (Scatter Plot)
- Introduction to GGPLOT 2 Package
- Getting Started with GGplot2 Package: Installation
- Data Visualization with GGplot2 (Histogram)
- Installation of plotly Package and Data Visualization (Histogram)
- Data Visualization using GGPLOT ( Bar Chart)
- Data Visualization using GGPLOT (Cluster Bar Chart)
- Data Visualization using GGPLOT (Box Plot)
- Data Visualization using GGPLOT (Scatter Plot)
Hypothesis Testing
- Introduction to Testing of Hypothesis
- Normal Distribution
- Types of Error in Testing
- Explaintion of Type I and Type II Error with Example
- p-Value
- Types of Test
- Chi-Square test for Association
- Test for means: Parametric Tests and Types
- Assumption of One Sample t - test
- Case Study: One Sample t-test
- Assumption and Case study: Independent Sample t-test
- Assumption and Case Study: Paired Sample t-test
- ANOVA Test and Assumption
- Case Study: ANOVA Assumption (Part 1)
- Case Study: ANOVA Assumption (Equality of Variance) (Part 2)
- Case Study: Performed ANOVA
- Case Study: Pairwise Comparision (Part 1)
- Case Study: Pairwise Comparision (Part 2)
- Case Study: Pairwise Comparision (Part 3)
Non-Parametric Hypothesis Tests
- Non-Parametric Tests: When to Use and Types
- Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
- Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for Two Sample
- Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for Paired Sample
- Kruskal Wallis Test
Linear Regression
- Understanding Regression Analysis
- Simple Linear Regression
- Understanding Regression with an example
- Assumption of Linear Regression
- Case Study: Simple Linear Regression
- Fit the Model
- Create Plots
- Multiple Linear Regression: Part 1
- Multiple Linear Regression: Part 2
- Logistic Linear Regression
- Case Study: Logistic Linear Regression
- Factor Analysis
- Puropse of Factor Analysis
- Important Terminology
- 6 Steps to Perform Factor Analysis: 1. Formulate the Problem
- 2. Construct Correlation Matrix
- 3. Determine the Method of Factor Analysis
- 4. Determine the number of Factor
- 5. Rotate Factors
- 6. Interpret the Factor
- Export analysis as a Report
Final Exam
- Exam Instruction
- Final Exam